Mt Kilimambogo
.Hey Peeps. I know its been a while since my last blog but I'm back. Today's piece is all about fun, adventure, pushing yourself to the limit and then pushing some more plus great scenery of course. I went hiking at Mt Kilimambogo and boy did we walk. If you're one of those guys who count steps you'd have done your 2017 target on this trip

Located 65 kilometres from Nairobi off the Thika-Garissa Road and 15 kilometres from Thika
town, Mt Kilimambogo is at the heart of the Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park – a park which has
a rich history and beauty

Climbing any mountain demands specific gear. Sturdy shoes with deep lugged soles of tough
rubber to enable one to navigate steep terrains and prevent slips are a must-have. The
footwear should be paired with socks to prevent blisters.

As you go up be sure to take in the scenery especially if you take the long route round the mountain

After what seems like an eternity you get the first glimpse of Mt Kilimambogo. You see the masts towards the left................... yap that's the top of the mountain

19.2 kilometres later

Going back down, don't close your eyes or take the shortcut there is still more to take in

When at Kilimambogo also make some time to pass by Fourteen falls which is a stone throw away

Till next time peace