Focus on 2015
2015, what a year that was! A roller coaster of a year but all in all a great year. As 2016 begins, most of us will take stock of the previous year in order to be better equipped for the New Year (if that’s possible). In the spirit of stock taking, this month’s blog I'll take you through Otieno Nyadimo’s Photography 2015 with some of the images that you guys didn’t get to see for one reason or another.
To start us off is this magnificent picture of old school architecture in Nairobi CBD. I shot this on my first insta-meet experience. I had a really fun time especially with my knee surgery scheduled for the next day. I definitely over used that knee keeping in mind I wasn’t going to do much walking for three month

This elicited a curiosity in me for cityscapes which made me want to show case my city's beauty. If you've been following my feed you must have seen a few of these. Well, here's more:

I have shared a lot of images from the Light Freaks Workshop but it’s impossible for me to review 2015 without giving it a mention. I owe a great debt of gratitude to this workshop because it challenged me to push my limits as a photographer which contributed to growth in my photography, editing and networking abilities. Here's to attending more quality workshops in 2016.

Thanks to the growing world of Fashion blogging in Kenya I had the opportunity to work with a couple of very talented fashion bloggers. If you've ever been around bloggers you know how particular they can be. Fashion bloggers are on another different level of particular. It was a wonderful experience getting their opinions and ideas on how i should shoot and edit their pictures. I believe I emerged a better photographer and editor from my interactions with them. Check out a few of their pictures below:

I know as a man I’m not expected to be excited about weddings but boy do I love weddings. Wait........................ Here me out first. I enjoy weddings because I get a chance to be creative with my photography, no one ever refuses to get their pictures taken at a wedding and best of all I get the responsibility of creating lasting memories for an unforgettable day in a couple’s life. Here’s a few pictures from some weddings I had the privilege to be a part of.

You never know how it will go when the shoot involves babies/ children. They tend to be unpredictable because after all they are kids. They can be happy one moment, sad the next, refusing to have their pics taken one moment, wanting to hold the camera etc. I would still not miss out on such photo shoots because they always end up being a blast. Kids photos are the best kind coz they give it their all when they are smiling, laughing, posing etc. Here are a few below:

Excited about the year ahead and can’t wait to see where my lens will lead us. Keep here for more pictures of our experiences.
Happy New Year.